Looking Forward-Final Reflection
When I plan for the future, I have three main educational goals. One goal is to uncover ways to enhance my art lessons by using technology resources as educational tools that will encourage active learning, expression and creativity. My second goal is to make sure that I am teaching my students the current skills they need to be successful. My third goal is to become a technology leader in my building. These are personal goals I feel very strongly about putting into action in my classroom and school building.
I will teach my students how to use technology as an educational tool. My expectation is that they will know how to collect information, how to tell if information is good, know a plethora of Web 2.0 tools, and be able to use Google docs, an RSS Reader, and create their own blogs and websites . Students will also learn about cloud computing, a tool they will find to be a lifesaver in the future. They will also take with them a portfolio of information and work to use as a reference tool. By doing this, I hope to provide them with skills that they will take with them throughout their education.
Throughout my MAET, I have done a lot of reading on lateral thinking and creativity. These are tools I want to arm my students with for their futures. My students will practice these skills by being actively engaged in their learning process. My classroom will be an environment where curriculum and technology are used to encourage students to explore their options to create a unique end project. I want to model ways in my lesson plans to develop students’ confidence to search for the “best” answer, instead of just settling for an answer. I want to create and environment where they can explore, create, and share.
I have talked about how students would explore and create, but not share. I want to build into my lessons ways in which students can display their work to others. With all of the resources available, it no long seems efficient to just hang their work up in the hallway. I will have students use Animoto, a free movie creation software, as a form of an artwork portfolio. When they have created the video, they can post it to YouTube or TeacherTube to share with parents, family, friends, and other teachers. This can also be used as a great way for me to share student work with other teachers and administrators. Students may also share their work on personal or school websites and blogs.
It is very easy as an educator to teach what you are comfortable teaching. Which usually means the same content and process year after year. That is not the type of teacher I choose to be. I want to make sure that students are being taught relevant information that will help them succeed in today’s society. In order to be able to achieve this goal, I will be continually educating myself on the latest trends in curriculum and technology. By joining online groups of educators, such as MACUL, ISTE, PBS Teacher, TLT and the NAEA, I will be able to stay up on the new technologies and curriculum in the art field. These online groups/organizations supply support systems along with professional development opportunities. I will also use my RSS Reader as a tool to follow educational and content relevant blogs.
I want to share my knowledge with other staff members. There are so many resources available that would be beneficial to their teaching. My plan is to put a page on my classroom website with online resources that teachers can use. In my district, many teachers struggle with finding professional development in the areas that they want and at a low cost. I would like to educate my co-workers on the online learning communities and groups they can join to receive support. I would also like to form a Ning community within our school to allow teachers to easily share tools, information and resources with each other. I would also like to inform teachers how we could use twitter, and blogs to form support groups for our students. Teachers and students can respond to help students with homework questions.
While writing this I realized that the basic ideas of my PBMA will stay the same over the next five years, but the technology tools and expectations may not. But, if I continue to use my PLN and seek more resources to add to it, I will constantly be able to change my teaching to stay current. That is why these online learning communities, groups, and communication forums are priceless tools to us as educators. They are continually updating and changing their information and supplying us with new learning resources.
RSS ReadersInformational VideosFree Blogs and Website Creation Sites |
Importance of Personal Learning Networks and Social Networking |